Why roof maintenance a good investment
December 15, 2017OSHA’s National Safety Stand Down; May 7-11
April 17, 2018
The most important reason for establishing a roof maintenance program is to protect the capital investment of a new roof. Proper roof maintenance will not only add years to the life of a roof, it will also
uncover problems before a roof leak wets insulation, creates mold and damages the interior of the building. Fortunately, the professional roofing contractor and roofing manufacturer are ready to help, with programs specifically designed to make it easier for building owners to keep track of roof maintenance work. The first step in creating a program is to establish roof information files. This data is essential for any roof inspection if a proper and ongoing evaluation of the roof conditions is to be made. The file should contain the following sections:
Roof Design
- Project records, roof drawings, specifications, etc.
- Roof plans showing the location of all penetrations, rooftop equipment, drains, entry doors, etc.
- Approved submittals of roofing supplier’s product data used for the new roof.
Roof Installation
- Field reports related to the roof installation
- All correspondence between the GC, roofing sub contractor, architect, engineer, etc., involving the roof installation.
- Warranties from the roof or system manufacturer with contact names.
Roof Inspection
- Periodic inspection reports filled out chronologically
- Reports and digital photos of repairs
- Record of any construction changes or modifications to the roof surface. Examples would be the installation of a new HVAC unit, exhaust vent or roof walkway system.
- Record of rooftop equipment services—who, when and where.